GH Therapies


A head to ‘tail’ treatment

Why should I get my dog(s) treated?

Dogs are known for being compensatory animals. Compensatory tension is when the radiation of pain/discomfort and the source are different, highlighting the importance of looking at the animal as a whole and considering all potential factors. A head to ‘tail’ treatment protocol is followed by GH Therapies so that all areas are assessed and treated accordingly.

Key reasons/indicators treatment is required:
  • Promote optimal welfare
  • Reluctance to exercise/ play
  • Increased stiffness/ difficulty with daily activities
  • Trauma/injury
  • Changes in behaviour that indicate discomfort
Key areas that can contribute to muscular asymmetries, tension or pain:
  • Compensatory tension
  • Conformational defects
  • Trauma/ Injury
  • Excessive pulling on a lead
  • Repetitive strains from excessive jumping/ playing ect

Canines are generally recommended a 3-4 monthly ‘MOT’ to ensure the muscular system is kept in optimal functioning condition, and to prevent any minor imbalances/injuries manifesting into more problematic ones.

However, each dog is treated as an individual and so therefore recommendations will vary dependent on individual requirements.

Direct Benefits

What are the benefits of having my hound treated?

  • Promotes both vascular and lymphatic circulation
  • Improves mobility and activity levels
  • Assists flexibility and agility, reducing cases of lameness/limping and stiffness
  • Improves temperament/ tolerance to handling
  • Maintains posture and gait, reducing the risk of compensatory tension
  • Enables muscular injury to be pinpointed and rehabilitated
  • Address myofascial dysfunction
  • Reduces the formation of scar tissue
  • Pain reduction and management (g. for arthritis, hip dysplasia and other orthopaedic issues)

Client Journey

What to expect during a treatment:

  • Full Medical History/ Consultation Form and Consent Form within the Initial Consultation
  • Static Analysis (Observational and Palpation Assessments)
  • Dynamic Gait Analysis (in-hand/Lunge)
  • Treatment Specific to Requirements
  • Post-treatment Advice
  • Exercise/ Stretch Prescriptions

Price list
